the attack lasted 50 minutes.
Many crews reported violent
explosions and large fires could
be seen. Bombers had opposition
all the way and it started by flak
from flak ships off the Dutch coast.
Many of our aircraft returned
with holes in their wings and
fuselage. 1 Fighter is missing from
night patrols. Up to last night's
attack but some not included
over 10000 tons of bombs were
dropped on Essen.
Mosquitoes came back when Essen
bombers set out from an attack
on Jena where the works of Carl
Zeiss and a glass ware factory were
bombed. Jena is 40 miles southwest
of Leipzig and means a round
trip of 1000 mills. the town was
bombed from a 200 feet level.
Two of our planes collided in the
air over the target and beyond these
1 plane is missing. Germany had
to contend with an earthquake
today. Several people were injured
and chimneys weer cracked.
13 enemy fighters were shot down.