when Mediterranean aircraft
consisting of Merodas escorted
by Warhawks attacked targets in
that area. Enemy fighter opposition
is quite strong recently. There is no
news from Russia. It seems that
fighting has been resumed in the Kuban.
Germans claimed that fighting was
stubborn. Canadian pilots flew
Warhawks in recent attacks on
Kiska. Several important points
in Attu have been captured.
Lae got heaviest bombing yet.
Pres. Roosevelt set up a new office
of co-ordination. 10% of all meat
produced in the USA will go overseas
on lend lease terms. This percentages
equals a million tons. Small
quantities of wine will arrive from
Algeria and the price will be 8/- a
bottle. Whitsuntide travel will
be restricted and there will be no
extra trains. Moreover there will
be more restrictions on hire of cars.
In forces up to 10 o'clock an illustrated
account was given on Jena attack.
After news in home program Lord
Woolton spoke on issue of new
ration books and identity cards