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his Headquarters in Western Europe and cited some of Kipling's words. He concluded with "Good luck where ever you may be".

= This is the end of the notes on BBC news broadcasts=

Transcriber's note:
The project was first started in 2003 and then I got as far as a page 450. In December 2020 I restarted the project and in March 2021 the project was finished.

In 2003 I located the names of places using Microsoft Mappoint, but as this has been discontinued somewhere along the line the links to Mappoint have been removed. At the time I chose Mappoint over Google Maps because in 2003 Mappoint was superior in locating the places mentioned in the notes in comparison with Google Maps. In 2020 I returned to Google (Maps) to locate the places mentioned and this time most of the places did turn up in the results.

The spelling of geographical names seems to be in a continual state of flux. I have used the names presented by Google Maps in 2020/21 most of the time, but in some cases I have used the English version of the names or the Dutch version.

The British spelling was the preferred spelling over the American spelling because of the obvious reason that the notes are on British news broadcasts, however there may be some lack of consistency and of course there will also be plain mistakes in the spelling.
This lack of consistency and the occurrence of mistakes may also apply to the use of capitals.

The names of persons and geographical names I have tried to confirm using the internet, mainly Wikipedia and Google Maps.
Names that I could not confirm and parts of the text that I could not decipher are marked with [?].

Remarks on spelling etc. are welcome!

Ad Weststrate
March 2021

The 4 notebooks I have handed over to "Zeeuws Archief" in Middelburg.
https://www.archieven.nl/nl/zoeken?miadt= 239&mizig=210&miview=inv2&milang=nl& micols=1&micode=1259&mizk_alle=radio#inv3t2
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