28/5 1 pm. Frank Philips reading
Home based aircraft of Bomber
Command were out in very great
strength last night, Essen being
the main target. Mines were also
laid in enemy waters. 23 aircraft
are missing and the raid was the
56 time that Essen has been
bombed. It is now the heaviest
bombed city in the world.
Sardinian airfields were attacked
yesterday, many aircraft on the
grounds were destroyed. 13 fighters
were shot down and 1 allied
aircraft is missing, but the pilot
of it is safe. A Greek submarine
sunk 2 German supply ships.
There are no details about the
land fighting in the Kuban.
Germans say Russians have
been attacking. 67 German planes
were shot down for loss of 13 Soviet
9.= pm Frank Philips reading
The Essen attack was carried
out by 10 waves, each of same
strength of bombers which gave the
town its heaviest attack of the year