captured last night and the Norwegian
frontier reached on a wide front. The
advance on Southern Hungary has
been broadened. In Yugoslavia the
Sava has been forced and the pressure
on the German escape routes increased.
190 German tanks were destroyed on the
Eastern front yesterday.
It was a good day for the British Second
Army in Holland today. The ring
round Den Bosch has been tightened
and progress made to the town from the
North, South and East. In the East we
are only 2 miles away. The Germans
here are showing more and more signs
of confusion. A German commander
taken yesterday said he lost control
of the battle. The Germans have little
more than infantry weapons and we
are making a fair proportion of prisoners.
Schijndel was taken easily and we
suffered little casualties. Canadian
and British troop N.E. of Antwerp are
across the Belgian - Dutch frontier and
within 5 miles from Roosendaal.
In the Scheldt pocket the Canadians
are fighting in the tunnels of the medieval
fortress Frederik Hendrik and they are