troops have made good progress. Frank
Gillard reported that at 4 o'clock this
afternoon our troops were within 4 miles
of Den Bosch.
Local Allied successes are reported from
the Western front. The Canadian First
Army have taken the small port of
Breskens in the Scheldt pocket and are
moving to the fortress west of the town.
Following yesterday's Lancaster attack
on gun positions at Flushing there has been
no harassing fire during the last 24
hours. Forces advancing northeast
of Antwerp have taken a Belgian
frontier town 20 miles north of Antwerp
(Esschen). Advanced units have actually
reached the border itself. Isolated pockets
of German resistance are being met
and only a few tanks are seen.
It was a superb autumn day in
Holland today but haze reduced visibility
for flying. The Americans are fighting in the
streets of a small coal mining town
4 miles north of Aachen. General Patton's
forces have advanced some 2 miles
on a 6 miles front since this morning