in Chief of the 1st Hungarian Army
has gone over, with his staff, to the Russians.
The tank battle near Debrecen seems
to be getting fiercer. In Italy the Germans
seem to try an all out defence of the
approaches to Bologna. The American
5th Army is now only 9 miles away from
the city. Planes from Italy bombed
targets in Austria, Silesia, Yugoslavia
and Hungary. At Vienna flak was
intense but bombing was done
on instruments. Yesterday the Skoda
Works at Pilzen in Czechoslovakia were
attacked. U.S. Superfortresses again
made a raid on Formosa and on
Luzon. 1 Japanese cruiser was sunk
and a destroyer probably. Admiral
Nimitz reported that the Japanese
fleet did come out to meet the U.S.
fleet at Formosa but they took off
when they realised the strength of the U.S.
fleet. A Whitepaper has been published
on the air convention and walls had
since a long time a day to itself in
Parliament. The King visited a forward
airfield of the Second Tactical Air Force
in Belgium and a description about