of black markets, closing of all luxury
establishments, removal and
separation of all aliens.
Planes of Bomber Command laid
mines in enemy waters and bombed
targets in the Rhineland. 1 aircraft is
missing. 30 hours after last Friday-
night's Düsseldorf raid fires were
still burning. Our bombing has
caused a cancellation of the race
meeting to be held today there.
Bremen was attacked in daylight
yesterday by the Americans.
Shipyards were damaged. 2 ME 110 were
destroyed. RAF Beaufighters with a
Spitfire escort attacked a convoy off
the Dutch coast. 1 Beaufighter is
missing. a flying boat was damaged
off Norway. Some enemy raiders were
over the East coast. 3 were destroyed and
5 in the previous night raid.
Latest news from Russia reports
some fighting North of Orel. There is no
change on the general position of the
fronts. The Chinese are pushing the
Japanese back. Over Burma Allied
Air Forces gave their attention to
railway bridges. A statement issued