12/6. 9. pm. Frank Philips reading
The heaviest force of 4 engined
bombers of this war bombed
Dusseldorf and Münster last night.
Considerably more than 2000
tons of bombs were dropped.
43 of our aircraft are missing.
The number of prisoners taken at
Pantellaria amounts to over
14/6 9. pm. Maurice Shillington
Reconnaissance over Düsseldorf
today confirmed that fires are still burning
there. The East Sicilian airfields were
the targets for our bombers. Today was
United Nations day. Our North West
African Air Force had a quiet day yesterday.
Heavy American bombers bombed
Catánia. 3 enemy aircraft taking off
were blown up by shell bursts of our
bombs. 5 ME. 105 were shot down.
From all these flights 1 Allied plane
is missing. Owing to the recent strengthening
of the directorum of the fascist
party a number of decisions have been
made. Some of these are: Strict control
of production and distribution, repression