bombers are active during the nights
and doing a good job.
B 38 Lightnings form the escort of
the Fortresses.
A 323 Merseburg troop carrying
transport plane which has a
cannon and 2 machine guns was
brought down by one of our
340 Warhawks are also busy. One
aircraft of Middle East Air Force is
missing. Naval activity in Tunisian
waters continues. During the last 14
days the navy took over 900 German
and Italian prisoners trying to
escape from Cape Bon by small
crafts. The Russian paper Pravda
contains a cartoon with 2 scenes.
The 1st one is in 1940 when Goering and
Hitler are looking over to England
from the Continental Coasts.
Goering says Hitler where will we land.
The second scene is in 1943 on the
same place but now Goering is
asking Hitler where will they land.
The first news about the American