23/5 9 pm Frank Philips
23/5 12 pm Maurice Shillington
The last news is that day and night our
air offensive against Italy Sicily
France and the Low countries
continues. Enemy resistance against
our air attacks is however growing.
During attacks by the North West
African Air Force 4 planes were lost.
This afternoon Venturers (Venturas)
with a Spitfire escort bombed the
cokes ovens at Zeebrugge. Whirlwinds
and Spitfires sunk an enemy trawler
of Guernsey. Another convoy entering
the harbour of Flushing was surprised by
our typhoons. In N. France Mustangs
attacked 7 trains and 5 locomotives
were damaged. Not one of our aircraft
is missing. Last night there was no
enemy activity over this country but
today 3 hit and run raiders were
shot down. From a report by
Robert Dunnett it is clear that the
Flying Fortress is the key of our air
offensive in the Mediterranean
by day whereas RAF Wellington