has been disbanded.
The long lull on the Russian front
In air battles over S.W. Pacific
11 Japanese planes were destroyed
whereas we lost four.
12,= pm. Frederick Allen
War correspondents in N. Africa reckon that
in 3 days and nights of air activity over
Mediterranean 4 aircraft an hour
have been destroyed i.e. 70 in air fights
and about 200 on the ground.
Yesterday alone 19 were shot down and
60 destroyed on the ground. Middle East
aircraft accounted for another 10 whereas
our losses amount to 7. Oliver Lyttelton
said at Aldershot today
that we had the option to attack.
Last month over 11000 tons of bombs
were dropped on Germany.
According to news from Washington
the American campaign on Attu
island is now reaching its final
phase. The Japanese have been split
into 3 pockets of resistance constantly
under land- and air attacks.
The village of Attu has been
destroyed completely with the