22/5. 1. pm. Joseph Macleod
Berlin was again the target for our
bombers last night and has been
bombed by aircraft of Bomber
Command. Mosquitoes carried out
the bombing. Railway targets at
Orleans were also bombed,
as well as enemy shipping in the
Channel. 2 trains were set on
fire in N. France. 5 of our bombers
are missing. East of Cherbourg a
motor ship and a trawler has
been sunk.
The raid American bombers
made over Wilhelmshaven lasted
40 minutes whereas the aircraft
were an hour over Emden.
Last night there was little activity
over S.E. England and London.
One aircraft has been destroyed.
Aircraft of middle East command
bombed termini [?] at Reggio and
Messina. Captain Harald
Balfour said at Norwich that twice
this month bomber Command
Aircraft dropped 1500 tons of bombs.
According to news received from
Moscow the Communist International