Having been away today I could only
listen to the midnight news at 12 pm.
which was read by Robert Robinson.
Mosquitoes of Bomber Command
bombed last night targets at Berlin.
Not one aircraft is missing.
Whirlwinds of Fighter Command
bombed the airfield at Amiens.
Intruder patrols were busy over
Northern France and Belgium where
railways and canal targets were
Mosquitoes of fighter command have
also attacked the airfield at Poix.
A Beaufighter damaged 3 trains
1 enemy aircraft has been destroyed.
A small number of fighter-bombers
were over Essex and London.
Seys Inquart broadcast to the
people of Holland and spoke about
the extension of martial law
over the whole country.
There is no news of any change on
the Russian fronts. Preparations
are however made and it is
likely that great things are to
come during tough fights over