south of Budapest. Russian forces are
closing in on Satoe Marae [?] and on two
sides between 15 and 20 miles from this
place. In all the Germans lost 189 tanks
and 40 planes on the Eastern front
According to the German High Command
communique the Germans admit further
setbacks and of the battle for East Prussia
they speak about north of Ebenrode which
means that Russian troops are from
6 to 10 miles deep into East Prussia.
So far Moscow has not said anything
about these operations but in due course
this will no doubt come. The Canadians
launched a new attack at 6.30 this
morning north of Antwerp. The attack is
aimed at the railway town of Roosendaal
and there are two parallel thrusts.
By night the Canadians had advanced
5 miles and British troops on their
right flank had also gone forward several
miles. South of the Scheldt the Germans
are being pressed back further to the
North Sea. On account of the weather
the drive toward the Meuse is temporary
at a standstill. The Germans claim to
have repelled Russian attacks north