Angriffe blutig ab. Zusammen gefasstes
Feuer aller Waffen, hartmächtiger [?]
Widerstand und entschlossene
Gegenangriffe .....[?] Ostlich
Hellmond den Versuch der Engländer
unseren Brückenkopf Westlich der
Maas einzudrücken. Eine Anzahl
feindliche Panzer wurde dabei
20.10/1944 9.= and 12. = pm. Stuart Hibberd
Aachen has fallen to the Americans.
This afternoon the Americans
completed the occupation of Aachen.
Today after the American call to
surrender the last shots were fired
at 2.20 this afternoon. What is left of
the city, once an important road
and rail centre for Belgium and France
and the centre of the coalmines are
now smoldering ruins above
which the fabric of the cathedral is
standing. An hour ago Marshal
Stalin in an order of the day announced
that Russian troops in co-operation
with Tito's forces had liberated
Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia.