Germans say the Russians have already
advanced beyond it. The Russian advance
is one a front of 50 miles. The Germans also
report an offensive at dawn today against
the Southern border of East Prussia.
Moscow has however not said
anything about an attack against
East Prussia. Tonight's Moscow
communique reports gains west
of Riga and more progress in the Balkans.
Russian and Romanian troops are
45 miles from Satol Niarae [?]. South of
Debrecen towns were captured and
it is now clear that the Germans have
suffered a considerable defeat there.
11000 prisoners were taken and 95
tanks captured. The General strike is
spreading throughout Hungary. The
Hungarian radio has called on
all railway men. In Budapest
street fighting takes place between
German S/S troops and Hungarian
troops who remained loyal to
Horthy. Many units of the Hungarian
army have gone over to the Russians
or are fighting independently. The Germans
use Tiger tanks in Budapest against