try to give the impression that their troops
here are disengaging themselves.
Several big railway towns have been taken
along the Eastern border of Hungary.
It is not known what there is in the reports
that the 1st Hungarian Army same as
the C.I.C. and his staff have gone over
to the Russians. Russian and Tito's
troops are still battling in the heart of
Belgrade. More to the South East a
substantial German group has been
surrounded and is being wiped out.
Bulgarian troops are less than 70 miles
from the Albanian frontier. There is still
no news from Moscow about an attack
the Germans say has been launched against
East Prussia but Russian bombers
have been attacking more railway junctions
in East Prussia. Progress has also been
made in Latvia to the west of Riga. Yesterday
85 tanks and 69 planes were lost by the
Germans on the Eastern front. 3 Hungarian
ambassadors have said they only accept
orders from Horthy. The Polish Government
has announced that the Germans have
started mass-executions in a Polish
concentration camp by putting the