a small scale counterattack outside
the town this morning. Inside Aachen
the house to house clearance continues.
To the north of Aachen the Americans are
sweeping the Germans out of pillboxes
in the Siegfried line. Cologne was yet again
attacked this morning by 450 Flying
Fortresses and Liberators and Bomber
Command planes attacked Bonn.
1 bomber and 1 fighter were lost. General
Patton's men are now only 4 miles from
Metz. British casualties in the West
since D-day and up to the end of August
total 103842 viz 20795 killed, 63193
wounded and 19854 missing or
prisoner. At about 8 o'clock tonight
Marshal Stalin announced that
Russian columns are climbing up
through 7 of the main passes of the
Carpathians into Czechoslovakia.
An advance of from 12 to 30 miles into
Czechoslovakia was also announced
ans a dozen Czech towns and villages
were taken. Syet [?] over the border from
Transylvania was taken. Troops there
have linked up with those coming
from the South. The guns of Moscow
will salute the event tonight. The Germans