Germans. The Germans say the struggle
is extremely bitter and both sides use
powerful air forces. Russian troops are
20 miles west of Riga and the main port
for the sea escape route has been bombed.
Russian and Romanian troops
are half a dozen miles from the Eastern
provinces of Czechoslovakia. The Russians
give no news about the latest fighting in
Hungary but say they are now fighting
in the streets of Belgrade. The Quisling
government has fled from the Yugoslav
capital. Russian troops are well
southwest of Niš. The Nazi control
does not allow any news out of
Budapest but Swiss reports say that
the removal of Horthy was an act of
violence and the Hungarian
ambassador in Switzerland has
refused to acknowledge the new
government. Allied bombers were
reported over Hungary tonight. Mr.
Eden and our ambassador in
Moscow Clark Kerr had a long
talk in our Moscow embassy
with the Polish Premier and Mr.
Churchill and Mr. Stalin had a 2
hour conversation in the Kremlin.