they are 5 miles from the river. A little
North East they are only half a mile
from the river. 8 miles west of Arnhem
the Rhine was crossed last night.
The Canadians on the Leopold Canal
have forced a second link up with
the seaborne troops. 1/3 rd of the Scheldt
pocket has now been cleared.
In their advance north of Antwerp
the Canadians again control the
causeway leading into the isles in the
Scheldt estuary after re-capturing
the key village of Woensdrecht this
morning. Tonight the Germans counterattacked
heavily with tanks and self
propelled guns. North of Belfort French
troops threaten 2 main passes
and here Colmar is only 20 miles away.
Lancasters and Halifaxes last night
attacked Wihelmshafen and Mosquitoes
bombed Hamburg. Sea mines were
also laid and night fighters shot up
airfields. 11 planes are missing.
The German foothold in the Eastern
Mediterranean is even more precarious
now. In Italy 5th Army troops
have taken another town south of