In Burma the weather has improved
so that more air support can be given.
The American landing in the Palau
isles was a success. In 24 hours the
U.S. troops were in complete control.
The Japanese offer to allow cables
was made to the International Red
Cross and we accepted it. Troubles
in Palestine have been brought about
by a small group of extremists
who are condemned by leading Jews.
They also broke into a textile works
at Tel Aviv and stole £ 100.000.-.-
worth of goods. In the Chelsea by-election
the candidate was returned unopposed.
The Prime Ministers of Canada,
New Zealand and South Africa
and the Chinese ambassador also
got the freedom of Derby.
Weermachtbericht dd. 10/10
Landung bei Breskens
Kampf um Süd Beveland
"Der Schwerpunkt der Kämpf in
Holland hat sich seit einigen