27/7. 1943 8.= am. R. Wessel
The night has brought no news about the fighting in
Sicily or the situation in Italy.
The Italian propaganda is playing up the
country's welcome for a non-fascist regime and
there are reports in Italian overseas broadcasts
about demonstrations.
Gayda is according to German reports not
longer editor of the Giornale d'Italia.
The world however now wants to see what
those in power will do.
The Russians had another day of good
progress and advanced from 3 to 6 miles.
The Railway from Orel to Bryansk has been
cut by them. They are now less than 15
miles from Orel. 52 tanks and 75 planes
have been destroyed.
The Americans raided Hamburg again yesterday
also a rubber factory at Hannover and targets
at Wesermünde and Wilhelmshaven.
23 bombers and 3 fighters are missing.
There was little enemy activity over this
country. One enemy plane was shot down.