26/7/1943 6.= pm Richard Wessel
All Italy is now under martial law.
This is the first act of Badoglio 12 hours
after Mussolini's resignation.
In the first session of Parliament
Churchill will make a statement on
the subject.
There is a curfew from dusk to dawn
not more than 3 people may be
together. Restrictions have been
imposed on traveling. Police has instructions
to shoot. firearm licenses are
invalid. Papers have only one edition.
Last night Essen the main target for
our bombers, but Cologne and
Hamburg were also attacked.
25 of our bombers were lost. The enemy lost
4 planes in attacks over our East coast.
On the Russian front the main fighting
is on the approaches to Orel.
The Germans lost 2000 dead on this front
and a number of prisoners. They had the
heaviest losses east of Orel.
Round Belgorod only local fighting is
reported as well as local clashes
round Izyum weer 800 Germans were