17/7/1943 9.= pm Frederick Allen
Our latest advances on Sicily brought the 8th
Army within 10 miles from Catania.
Four important places were captured
and the 8th Army is driving hard for Catania.
The Canadians took Caltagirone whereas
Grammichele and Lentini were taken by
the British. The American army alone is
5 divisions strong. The Canadian comm.
is Maj. Gen. Simmons.
A new type of service is now operating viz
the A.M.G.O.T. Allied Military Government
of Occupied Territory.
It is now known that "Amphibious"
were used at shore. They are six tons
4 wheeled lorries with an ordinary truck
engine. At sea they have a propeller and are
boat shaped. They are being called "ducks".
The main road north of Catania which
is being used by enemy transports has
been bombarded from the sea.
In Sicily large quantities of ripe tomatoes,
melons and lemons are left unpicked.
In vineyards Italian snipers have
been left behind and these are busy.
Our aircraft intensified their attacks
on mainland of Italy Reggio was bombed.