16/7/1943 9.= pm Frank Philips
Our advance on Sicily continues.
Steady advances are reported after
hard fighting especially in the East Coast
sector where the 8th Army operates.
They have gained more ground.
Paternò near Catania has been
attacked from the air. Fighting now takes
place round Lentini and Carlentini.
The navy bombarded Catania airfield
Our air superiority is being maintained.
Important places have been captured
by the Americans. The total amount
of prisoners now amounts to 20000.
Vizzini a place with 10000 inh.
has been occupied as well as
Riesi and Canicattì.
Messina was raided again and
Palermo got 100 tons of bombs.
On the East of the Italian mainland
70 Liberators bombed airfields.
Forest fires are reported 25 miles
from Taranto. 8 aircraft of
the enemy were lost and 4 of ours
did not return. Our Lancasters
crossed the Alps to raid electricity
works in Northern Italy whereas Halifaxes
bombed aircraft factories near the