ww 2

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Records 65 to 65 of 1089
12/7 11.45 and 12.= pm Frank Phillips

Latest reports from Sicily are of a visit by General Eisenhower. Syracuse and 9 ports and town have been occupied. In some places out troops have penetrated 20 miles inland. The civilians on Sicily seem friendly to our troops. More attacks by air on and off France and Holland have taken place by RAF today. 10 towns including 7 ports on Sicily are now in our hands. 2 bridgeheads have been formed one is British and at Syracuse. All roads leading from this place to Pozzallo miles to the South west are in our hands. This an ideal bridgehead. Pozzallo is 15 miles South of Ragusa. Our troops continue to advance. Prisoners of the Livorno and Napoli divisions have been captured. Our troops have first made contact with the field troops which are expected to offer stiffer resistance than the garrison troops. The enemy is moving reinforcements from the west of the island to our bridgehead. Eisenhower arrived today at dawn by a torpedo boat and an amphibious jeep. Cunningham commands all naval operations, Tedder those in
for Port Sala read Pozzallo
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Records 65 to 65 of 1089