nerve centre of Sicily were damaged.
The landings are understood to be
taking place on the South Eastern
belt including Syracuse.
Parachute landings were also carried
out. Sicily is known to be strongly
defended by the Italian 6th Army
comprising some 300000 men
and some 100000 Germans including
air force, ground staff etc.
There is no fresh news from Russia
since the early hours of this morning
when it was reported that the Germans
were held on the Northern side of Kursk.
The Germans claim the gaining of
considerable ground south of Kursk.
Last night Gelsenkirchen got a heavy
attack where the fiercest barrage was
met. The central Ruhr was also attacked.
10 bombers are missing. Gelsenkirchen
is the biggest coal mining centre, it has
shell works and synthetic oil plants.
On the occasion of the landings in
Italy President Roosevelt wrote to the
Pope and said a.o. that Allied soldiers
had come to free Italy from Fascism.
The churches will be spared and also the
neutral state of the Vatican