3.7.1943 9. pm. R. Robinson.
United States warships have driven off
a Japanese force consisting of 3 light
cruisers and 4 destroyers which tried to
attack American bases on Rendova.
The battle may still be going on.
The Japanese lost 22 aircraft when
they attacked Rendova last Thursday.
Little damage was caused.
Americans have also landed on
New Georgia. The Admiralty and the
Air Ministry have reported that
another convoy has reached its
destination unmolested by complete
shore to shore air cover in which
Hudsons, Venturas, Liberators, Catalina's
and also a.o. Swordfish planes from
carriers took place.
The South West Pacific Offensive
started last Wednesday.
The air war was intensified yesterday
when 100 American Liberators
attacked airfields in the tip of Southern
Italy. 3 Liberators are missing
Mitchells also attacked Castelvetrano
and when doing so were