31/5 1 pm. R. Robinson.
Reports from enemy side that the
French fleet at Alexandria has
come over to the Allies have now been
confirmed officially in London.
The men came over of their free
General Giraud and de Gaulle
opened conversations at Algiers
today. Aerodromes in Southern
Italy were attacked by American
bombers of middle East Command
all planes returned safely.
Russians keep on their air attacks
on places behind the German lines a.o.
on Gomel. 1 Soviet plane was lost
The main fighting took place in the
Kuban. Last week 466 German and
118 Russian planes were lost. A large force
of Fortresses bombed Naples yesterday.
Saturday night Wellingtons bombed
Pantellaria. Bomb carrying ?
attacked Sardinia. 1 aircraft has
been lost
9.= pm. Joseph Macleod.
Main war reports
From Mediterranean report that over
100 Flying Fortresses took part in the
attack on Naples some went for the