the operations of B.E.F. were under his
4 trawlers and 2 E- or R-boats were
set on fire near Dunkirk in a battle
between them and our light naval
craft which lasted for 3/4 of an hour.
The operations were under the
command of Lt. Richards whose ship was
sunk. The Russians give not details
about the fighting in the Kuban.
There is no news so far about Attu
from America. It is understood
however that Japanese forces amounted
to some 2000. 15 bombers and 20
fighters took part in an attempted attack
by Japanese on Chittagong airfield.
1 bomber and 3 fighters were destroyed
and little damage was done and a
few casualties.
Today is American Memorial Day
and a memorial Service was held at
the headquarters of the American
8th Air Force. A wings for Victory parade
was held at Windsor where the King, Queen
and the 2 Princesses were present as
well as King Haakon of Norway.
7.30 forces
"News from North Africa"
Bob Trout introduced by Dennis Johnston