of the Dutch air.
16.30 pm.
Transatlantic call people
to people dealing with River Thames.
1.= 6.= 9.= pm. news
v. Arnim late commanding German
forces in Tunisia now a prisoner
of war have been flown to England
and arrived there today.
9.= pm
Dispatch about life in freed
city of Tunis. In Tunis appears
an English Paper called Tunisian
Telegraph. Electric Power station
destroyed by Jerries. Water supply
intact. Radio station destroyed
now. Recording car intact kept secret
8.= pm.
Service St. Paul's Cathedral
Edinbro Cathedral.
Talk by Doctor about fatigue.
Talk for anglers
12.45 pm.
Talk by 28 year old
womancorrespondent about fascism
and about women in China and
9.30 pm.
Forces Bebé Daniels, Ben Lion
R.A.F. deliver perfume to Germany.
R.A.F. sprinkled Cologne.
v. Arnim arrived without underwear.
v. Arnim lost his pants.