Monday 24/5/1943
Today I have been out to the Hague
and therefore unable to listen in to
broadcasts from London.
Tuesday 25/5/1943
Today 130th final session of the Brains
Trust took place. Those taking part
were comm. Campbell, Lt. Comm.
Gould, Prof. Joad, Jan Masaryk, Dr
Malcolm Sergeant. Questions asked
Donald McCullough. Howard Thomas
Radio Times
9.- and 12 o'clock news both read
by Joseph Macleod.
Over 300 allied planes from North
Africa bombed Sardinia whereas
others raided Pantellaria Island.
Aircraft from Malta mined Italian
waters. All but three of our aircraft
returned. 9 Axis planes were destroyed.
The attack on Sardinia was carried
out by heavy, medium and fighter
bombers amongst targets attacked
were railway installations, airfields
and ports. During raids on this
country whereby a town was
attacked and bombs dropped