now totals 224000 whereas the
number captured the last two months
amounts to 276000 prisoners.
Yesterday medium bombers
attacked Pantellaria Island.
90 tons of bombs were dropped.
Hits were seen on 6 vessels in
the docks. Trapani on the West Coast
of Sicily was raided by Flying Fortresses
escorted by Lightning
fighters. 6 German fighters out
of some 25 who appeared were
brought down. 7 of our planes
were lost. The Germans report that
in Russia there is fighting on the
Kuban and near Izyum.
Joseph Davies, carrying personal
message from Roosevelt to Stalin
arrived at Moscow today.
Churchill said o.a. in his address
delivered today that all country
occupied by Japan will have to
be returned. He pointed out that
Wavell did not come all the way
from India for the health or
benefits of the mikado of Japan.
Joint air forces of Britain and USA
will be brought to bear on targets