a town has been taken.
South of the Danube in Yugoslavia
Russian and Tito's forces are
advancing on a broad front. In the
Soviet communique nothing is said
about progress in the North of the Eastern
front. The Germans claim that
Russian troops are attacking with
fresh forces in East Prussia and have
reached a road nearly 20 miles inside
East Prussia. Russian progress is
reported on both sides of the road to
Insterburg. Mosquitoes and Beaufighters
attacked shipping off Norway.
1 Mosquito was lost. The British troops
who linked up with the Canadians
North of Antwerp have forced another
canal. In the pocket south of the
Scheldt rapid progress is being made.
Our troops there were helped by an
attack by Lancasters on gun positions
near Flushing whereas rocket firing
Typhoons attacked a German
headquarters near Breskens. The
commander of Aachen has surrendered
in the outskirts of the ruined city.
General Patton's troops east of