verloren gegangen Gelände zurück.
Der Feind hatte schwere blutige verluste
und verlor 47 Panzer"
R. Robinson 18/10 9.= and 12 pm.
Himmler and Hitler have today called
on the German people to resist the Allies
to the last man and the last ditch.
In a decree by Hitler and a speech by
Himmler it has been announced
that all men between 16 and 60
will receive military training on the
lines of the British Home Guard.
This was done on the 131st anniversary
of the battle near Leipzig. It was said
that after 5 years of war the Allies stood
close to or on German soil. Himmler
is responsible for the military organisation.
He wanted a fanatical defence of the
German soil. Himmler's speech was
made in East Prussia and re-broadcast
to the Reich. It was a backs to the wall
speech. He put all blame on the German
Allies and said that every mile
advance into Germany will cost
the United Nations rivers of blood.